One of the most popular requests for network engineering people is about reliable communications between Branch offices and Data Centre(DC) or Head Quarters(HQ). I’ve seen lots from small and medium businesses and even more from big enterprises. In most cases Hub and Spoke topology is used, with Hub being located in HQ or DC and Spokes – numerous branch offices or shops. Usually each branch has a dedicated WAN connection through one of the major Service Providers(SP), it could be VPLS, or L2VPN or something else. Even though SPs have SLAs for a link recovery, it does not help much when fault has actually happened, – what could mean for a shop owner a four hours outage during X-mas stocksale? There is no built-in redundancy and no reliability at all, there could be a fault with a branch router rendering shop offline, or there could be a fault on ISP infrastructure breaking connectivity with HQ and many other unforeseen issues. Owners eager to protect their businesses from faults of any kind and in this article I try to show how it could be achieved with less effort and money.
One of the most popular solutions would be to utilize Internet connection with IPsec VPN tunnel over it as a fallback transport when WAN link is having issues or completely failed. Now with 4G communications all around it is becoming a very interesting case not only for a small shops but even for medium/big offices, because 4G can provide very high speeds, for example Telstra Australia offers 2-50Mbit/s speeds, former 3G technology speeds are 10 to 15 times slower with higher round trip times and jitter.


Diagram depicts non-reliable connectivity option:

non-reliable connection


Sometimes branch routers are managed by ISP as well and in this case customer has even less options on issue solving.
To overcome such situation we have to think about several areas of improvement:
  1. Provide redundancy for hardware faults
  2. Provide redundant first hop gateway address for our LAN clients to be used as default gateway
  3. Provide on-demand backup IPsec tunnel over Internet to transmit and receive corporate traffic over secure channel


First point we can address by using additional router as a redundant option, and very often big enterprises have one in place already, however for our purpose we need router supporting 4G Internet connection.
Second one could be addressed by usage of first hop redundancy protocol(FHRP) – VRRP, HSRP or GLBP, they allow backup router to stand-in almost instantly in case if active router fails. I will explain their operation and configuration later. Additional benefit is the ability to select active router basing on some conditions (link state, route presence and etc).
And last one could be achieved by setting up IPsec VPN tunnel from branch office to HQ once we have traffic to send to HQ on 4G-enabled router. In short WAN router has to track WAN interface status and in case if it fails,  router lowers its priority in FHRP protocol of choice giving ability for 4G-enabled router to take over. Once 4G router became active it is starting to receive traffic from clients towards HQ and other branches, so it starts up an IPsec tunnel over Internet to IPsec gateway which is usually a firewall or router in HQ and then transmits packets through that tunnel.


However there is a small caveat, this only works if WAN networks are dynamically learnt by WAN routers, if there is static routing in place it prevents return traffic from reaching failed branch office over IPsec tunnel. With dynamic routing it is not happening, as WAN routers have no information about Branch networks anymore and send traffic towards default route which is usually ends up at HQ or DC firewall/router where IPsec tunnel is terminated.


Diagram with proposed solution:

proposed solution


So let’s get to real setup and configuration, in my example I used unnamed WAN router(managed by ISP which agreed to add VRRP configuration), Cisco 897 Multi-mode VDSL2 ADSL2+ POTS with Multi-Mode 4G LTE Router as 4G Router and Cisco ASA5525 as HQ firewall for IPsec tunnel termination, dynamic routing protocol is RIP. We need dynamic routing protocol only enabled on WAN routers and firewall, so we don’t enable it on 4G Router. Below is a diagram with IP addressing, I also removed other branches, because they should be basically set up the same way(the only difference is in the subnet):
4G Solution
Below are configurations for ASA and 4G router, please note I list here only specific configuration related to the solution, leaving most of the basic stuff behind the scenes. My comments starts with hash sign #.

Configuration for ASA firewall:

hostname HQ-Firewall

domain-name mybusinessname.local

interface GigabitEthernet0/0

 description Public LAN
 nameif Outside
 security-level 0
 ip address 
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 nameif Inside
 security-level 100
 ip address

# We have to allow traffic in same security area, because we have traffic coming in from outside to inside and from outside to outside through the IPsec tunnel

same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
same-security-traffic permit intra-interface

# Define out Branch 1 office subnet

object network
 description Branch1 network

# Create access list allowing any traffic to Branch subnet

access-list Outside_cryptomap_1 extended permit ip any object

# Create static NAT rule literally saying that we should not change source nor destination IP addresses for traffic destined Branch 1 office (NAT exemption), we also specified no-proxy-arp and route-lookup options, first option tells ASA to skip ARP request on local LAN as it is remote network, and route-lookup allows ASA to use routing table in order to find egress interface, this is useful in case if WAN connectivity is restored and Branch 1 subnet gets back into routing table, so ASA will then send traffic through available route instead of IPsec tunnel.

nat (Inside,Outside) source static any any destination static no-proxy-arp route-lookup

# This rule is required if Branch 1 office needs centralized Internet access through the HQ ASA

nat (Outside,Outside) source dynamic interface

# Perform NAT for inside clients

nat (Inside,Outside) source dynamic any interface description Outbound NAT

# Setting up RIP instance for dynamic routing (could be another protocol as well)

router rip
 passive-interface default
 no passive-interface Inside
 default-information originate
 version 2
 no auto-summary

# default route to ISP

route Outside 1

# Create crypto maps to listen for incoming IPsec connections and to reference Branch 1 network to IPsec tunnel

crypto dynamic-map Branch1 1 match address Outside_cryptomap_1
crypto map Outside_map 1 ipsec-isakmp dynamic Branch1
crypto map Outside_map interface Outside

# Define ikev2 policy

crypto ikev2 policy 1
 encryption aes-256 
 integrity sha256 
 group 19 
 prf sha256
 lifetime seconds 86400

# Enable IKEv2 

crypto ikev2 enable Outside

# Define tunnel group Branch1 as site to site vpn (lan to lan) and PSKs for local/remote peers

tunnel-group Branch1 type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group Branch1 ipsec-attributes
 ikev2 remote-authentication pre-shared-key <my-secret-password-word>
 ikev2 local-authentication pre-shared-key <my-secret-password-word>

Configuration for 4G router:

hostname Branch1
# Enable AAA
aaa new-model
# Use local usernames and passwords for user authentication(I did not specify any username commands, but you should do it)
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default none
# Disable DNS lookups, otherwise router tries to resolve names and with no nameservers specified it takes several seconds to timeout
no ip domain lookup
# Specify our local domain
ip domain name mybusinessname.local
# Cellular modem will use this initialization string activating profile 1 (CALL1)
chat-script lte “” “AT!CALL1” TIMEOUT 60 “OK”
# Create proposal for ASA IPsec tunnel, will use AES-256 with intergrity hash function SHA 256bit, key exchange is protected with 256 bit elliptic curve algo
crypto ikev2 proposal VPN
 encryption aes-cbc-256 
 integrity sha256 
 group 19 
# Define IKEv2 policy
crypto ikev2 policy VPN 
 match fvrf any
 proposal VPN
# Define PSK for the tunnel
crypto ikev2 keyring VPN-keys
  description Tunnel to HQ
  pre-shared-key local <my-secret-password-word>
  pre-shared-key remote <my-secret-password-word>
# Create IKEv2 profile
crypto ikev2 profile VPN
 match identity remote address 
 identity local key-id Branch1
 authentication local pre-share
 authentication remote pre-share
 keyring local VPN-keys
 dpd 30 2 periodic
controller Cellular 0
# Use data profile 1 of the sim card located in slot 0 to communicate with provider
 lte sim data-profile 1 attach-profile 1 slot 0
# Define IPsec profile and link it with IKEv2 profile defined earlier
crypto ipsec profile VPN
 set ikev2-profile VPN
# Define crypto map for peer
crypto map IPSECVPN 10 ipsec-isakmp 
 set peer
 set ikev2-profile VPN
# Using ACL 121 specify which traffic should go into the tunnel
 match address 121
interface Cellular0
 description 4G Internet
 ip address negotiated
# Protect from outside access with some basic ACL
 ip access-group outside_access_in in
 no ip unreachables
 ip virtual-reassembly in
 encapsulation slip
 dialer in-band
 dialer idle-timeout 0
# Specify init script
 dialer string lte
# Define watch-group to allow interface to go UP even without transit traffic
 dialer watch-group 1
 dialer-group 1
 async mode interactive
# Assign crypto map to interface
 crypto map IPSECVPN
interface Vlan1
 ip address
# Define VRRP group 1 with priority 95 and VIP, keep in mind if you use same IP address as IP address of the interface this router will never let other router to take over(in this case priority is always 255), only if router is powered off standby router would be able to become active
 vrrp 1 priority 95
 vrrp 1 preempt
 vrrp 1 ip
# We have to adjust advertised MSS value in tcp packets because IPsec headers consume additional space, header length differs depending on used crypto algorithm and integrity checking method.. I used MSS vlaue of 1350 meaning that any single TCP packet cannot have more than 1350 bytes of useful data, it worked for me but i am sure this value could be tuned further to allow more useful data in a single packet. Cisco has handy tool for that:
 ip tcp adjust-mss 1350
ip route Cellular0
ip access-list extended outside_access_in
 deny   ip host any log
 deny   ip any log
 deny   ip any log
 deny   ip any log
 deny   ip any log
 deny   ip any log
 deny   ip host any log
 deny   ip any log
 remark ICMP Packets
 permit icmp any any echo
 permit icmp any any echo-reply
 permit icmp any any time-exceeded
 permit icmp any any packet-too-big
 permit icmp any any unreachable
 permit icmp any any traceroute
 remark IPsec
 permit udp any eq isakmp
 permit udp any eq non500-isakmp
 permit esp any
 permit tcp any any established
 permit udp any eq domain any
 deny   ip any any log
# Define dialer-watch group, it uses fake IP address, and it does not actually matter if it is real of fake, router generates IP packet to verify its availability and once packet is generated cellular interface will go up.
dialer watch-list 1 ip
# Wait for 60 seconds before check
dialer watch-list 1 delay route-check initial 60
dialer watch-list 1 delay connect 1
# Any traffic initiates destined through Cellular0 initiates dial
dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 1
access-list 1 permit any
#ACL matching all traffic from LAN, it is then used by router to encrypt it and send to DC. We actually can change it so that local 4G Internet service will be available for LAN users (specify destination as, so only corporate traffic is encrypted the rest is sent out as is through Cellular 0 interface, however additional NAT rules are required for this to work(if someone is interested ask in comments)
access-list 121 permit ip any
line 2
 no activation-character
 no exec
 transport preferred none
 transport input all
 stopbits 1
line 3
 script dialer lte
 modem InOut
 no exec
 rxspeed 100000000
 txspeed 50000000
line 8
 no exec  
 rxspeed 100000000
 txspeed 50000000
line vty 0 4
 transport input ssh
line vty 5 15
 transport input ssh

Instead of VRRP  we can use HSRP, in this case configuration for Vlan1 should look like:

interface Vlan1

 ip address

 standby 1 priority 95

 standby 1 preempt
 standby 1 ip
 ip tcp adjust-mss 1350
WAN router should have similar VRRP/HSRP configuration except priority value should be higher, in addition it should track its WAN interface status, or some IP object available through WAN and decrement priority in case if tracked object is not available. Configuration for that may look like below:

# Suppose S0/0 is WAN interface
track 1 interface S0/0 line-protocol

interface Vlan1

 ip address

 standby 1 priority 100

 standby 1 preempt
 standby 1 ip
# Lower priority value if tracked object went down
 standby 1 track 1 decrement 10
That’s all, if you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate and post them here.